Thursday, August 19, 2010

a bland day in the cooking world

Yesterday for lunch, I quickly threw together Black Bean-Taco Salad.  This was a very quick and easy recipe - throw everything together, top with dressing, and you are done!
It was decent, but, nothing special.  Maybe I needed more dressing, or more cumin in my dressing.  I'd make it again, but I think I'd add some salsa in to spice things up!  Basically, it was just... bland.
For dinner, I made Veal with Asparagus.  I have never prepared veal myself, but Veal Parmesan is probably one of my favorite meals, so I was excited. First, I chopped up scallions and garlic to put in the pan.  This was my first time cooking with scallions - very exciting.
So, I got thin-cut veal, so it cooked really quickly.  It wasn't overdone per se, just not as rare as I would have liked it.
Overall, I have to say this meal was seriously bland.  I put quite a bit of thyme in it, and I do like thyme, but it just wasn't enough.  I need to find some more veal recipes to make up for the lackluster dinner.  I will say that more scallions would have helped - that was probably the tastiest part!
So, hopefully today's lunch and dinner will not be quite as bland!  Looking at the ingredients list, I think it'll be a much better day!
In other news, this morning M and I had a 2 mile run.  It wasn't very hot out but holy freaking humidity.  We ended up averaging 11:12/miles.  Could have been worse! ...haha.  I can't wait for cool weather!  This weekend we have FOUR miles to run - yikes.  That sounds so... far.  Oh well - off to work now, have a great day bloggie land!

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