Monday, July 12, 2010

welcome to paradise.

This morning, I woke up in one of my favorite places.  The sun was shining, there was a light breeze, and the temperature was perfect.  It was 6:40am, but that's ok - when you live in an RV, you wake up with the sun and go to sleep with the moon.  I've definitely been groggy all day, but it'll get better.

Since I ran yesterday, I headed down to the dock to do some yoga (taken from this month's Women's Health... funny enough, this yoga sequence is actually part of a Nissan ad, but whatever), followed by some swimming.  Swimming is tiring!  Mostly because I'm not very good at it, and I didn't have goggles so I was keeping my head above water.  Alas, I know how far I went today and on Wednesday, I'm going to try to go twice as far.  ya know, to move my cardio swim time from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.  Haha.

I was planning to cook dinner tonight, but unfortunately we got so busy with errands that we didn't have a chance to come back here and eat dinner before we visited with some family.

Since the blog has been lacking pictures as of late, I wanted to share with you some photos from the weekend:

Meatball sub at the best sub shop around town

Consumed on the beach, of course.

Running and cooking tomorrow, I promise.


  1. beautiful beach! looks & sounds like a relaxing vacay!

  2. Siiigh, that beach looks lovely.
